Welcome to BeetleAttackGo!!! This is my personal website where I can just have my own little slice of happiness away from the stresses of social media and life. Here I will blog, review books, put my art, and just have fun! I'm not great at HTML/CSS so this is a journey for me too.

I would recommend that people younger than 16 should not explore my site but who am I to stop you.

Email me if you have any questions or concerns! I promise I won't bite... beetleattackgo@gmail.com

None of the links work yet... my apologies. This is still heavily under construction.

My persona doing peace signs.

Mar. 10, 2024

Formatting and text issues.

Mar. 08, 2024

Reformated and fixed typos.

Mar. 07, 2024

Added to-do list, recolored, and edited some text.

Mar. 06, 2024

Added navigation, update log, and reformated.

Mar. 01, 2024

Put an image of my persona, a background, other colors, and formatting.

Feb. 29, 2024

Created the site! Wrote a small blurb.

Draw headers

Draw background

Finish up Home page

Start About Me page